FreeDay: Market of opportunities

On October 8, our institute director Dr. Alexander Piecha was able to present nyendo to a number of teachers at the “Market of Opportunities” of Schule im Aufbruch – a virtual exhibition on the Plattform Gather – with the aim of winning more network schools for us.

Schule im Aufbruch is a movement initiated by Margret Rasfeld (who we reported on last year), Prof. Gerald Hüther and Prof. Stefan Breidenbach to change schools in a way that preserves and nurtures the innate enthusiasm and creativity of children and young people so that they, as the shapers of tomorrow, can drive the fundamental transformation of society towards sustainable living.

One resulting impulse is the FREE DAY initiative, of which we are a cooperation partner. This is a network of schools that are committed to introducing this innovative learning format. They give their students the gift of Friday all year round. On this FREE DAY, they can then deal with the topics that are close to their hearts. They design their own projects, found a Nyendo student company, for example, and carry them out across grades, in a self-organized and interdisciplinary manner in interest groups. In this way, they bring their solutions into the world and actively participate in social change – just as it is our declared goal!

If you want to learn more, you can follow the links in text and pictures on the Internet and read Magret Rasfeld’s new book, “FREI DAY Die Welt verändern lernen! For a School on the Move” – and afterwards gladly take these ideas, which nyendo and Schule im Aufbruch share, to the parents’ evenings and parents’ councils of their own schools!