Bazar in Evinghausen – Success for Jamii
Even though we did not manage to get enough attractive prizes for a big raffle in time this year, our stand at the bazaar at our school was again a real success!
In total we received almost 1000 Euro. Our offer included homemade light chains with real light bulbs instead of the usual LEDs, upcycling drinking glasses and candle glasses as well as lamps from old wine bottles, printed fair trade clothing made of organic cotton, cups with bird food and the proven card game “World Championship” in new, attractive packaging. The Jamii team took great care of the stand and we also used the bazaar to inform interested people about our work, our partner school, the Five Star Academy and nyendo.

In addition, we hope for further income in 2019:
- We will soon be able to set up a sales stand in the school café to take full advantage of the Christmas business this year – especially as the 50th anniversary of the Freie Waldorfschule Evinghausen will also be celebrated in 2020.
- In this context and also in the context of the 100th anniversary of Waldorf Education a concert with music from the year 1919 will take place on 12.12. at our school, where we can take over the catering and hopefully sell our articles.
- Next year we want to organize a benefit concert with three bands on the occasion of the school anniversary.
- Simeon Wutte and his theatre troupe will hopefully perform the play “Benefiz” with us.
- In spring there will be a big spring festival and we want to organize a Jamii-Day similar to the WOW-Day (Waldorf One World).
Our visit to the conference has thankfully brought us additional support: One teacher of our school is now a family member, four more have asked for information material and six teachers want to support us with catering, partly with the help of their classes, with baking cakes.