The nyendo annual celebration 2021
On 29/01/2021 we had an online annual celebration on Discord and Zoom instead of a closed meeting at Chiemsee because of Corona. At the beginning there were a few introductory words from Irmgard. Afterwards, the student companies discussed with a manager from another student company where the individual student companies stand, where they want to go and what they need for this. As Irmgard had prepared a surprise that could only take place at Zoom, everyone moved to Zoom where the people from NairoBits (the surprise) were already waiting.

We learned about the current situation in Kenya and what was being worked on. As we have several members who are not yet fluent in English, all questions were clarified in German on Discord. Then Alexander started a survey on what we had learned from the retreat and the results could be seen on Zoom. Despite a few communication difficulties, the annual party was a very informative meeting. It was very nice for the new members to get to know everyone and very nice for the members who have already met everyone to see the others but we all missed the social contact very much.
The student company TEAlicious about the annual celebration
On 29/01/2021, the first online anniversary celebration of the Nyendo network took place and we proudly participated as a student company.
We met the day before for a test run, which we were quite happy about, because for most of us it was the first time communicating on Discord.

At the annual celebration, we were therefore well prepared and even the disappointment about the fact that the cameras failed to work did not stop us. It was very interesting to exchange ideas with a manager of another student company, to find new ideas to work together in the future and to have a good exchange about the current situation. We talked about what we are proud of in our student company, such as the implementation of ideas and the team spirit. We also thought about the future, where we look forward to a joint nyendo product, a wider reach and higher income and thus higher donations.
As always, Irmgard’s input impressed, touched and above all motivated us. The subsequent Zoom discussion with our partners from Kenya delighted us all and was a decisive step forward for further development. Not only did we talk about the current situation and NairoBits, but we also got to meet the faces behind the scenes. This immediately brought us even closer together and gave us a better idea of the work at the NairoBits Centre.
At the end of our annual party, cooperation possibilities were discussed and our NairoBits partners were welcomed to our Discord server.
We are looking forward to see you all again, whether it will be online or in person!