Old fence at the back oft he school building
The school building of the Kangemi Youth Center was only inadequately secured at the back by a low and already very dilapidated fence. Unauthorized persons gained access, disrupted lessons, broke windows and stole school-owned items. In addition, the NairoBits classes with their high-quality IT equipment are also housed at this school, which absolutely had to be protected.
At the end of September 2022, the school applied for a higher and safer fence to be erected, and the measures had already been implemented by the end of October 2022.
The new fence made of iron sheets is significantly higher and completely covers the area from the outside, so that safety on the school grounds has been restored.

The material and labor costs amounted to 617,00 € (= 74,080 kShs). The Kangemi Youth Center contributed 2,000 kShs and former students took part in the work.

The children now have a safe and quiet learning environment again