Construction of Appartements for Teachers of the Kangemi Youth School
Our project in construction of appartements for teachers at the Kangemi Youth School in the slum of Nairobi has made a huge step in the direction of its building phase. The plans for that have been finished by our team of architecture students at the Technial University Munich supervised by Prof. Kéré. The next step will be to hand over those plans to an architectural practice in Nairoibi, so they can etstablish the construction documentation and afterwards start with the first tract (=Module 1).

School estate
The three modules of the construction project will cost around 40,000 € and aim to promote a longterm commitment of the teachers to the Kangemi Youth School. A sincere and hearty “Thank you!” goes to our students Muriel, Sepp, Julius und Felix, who have spared no efforts and costs – even from their own savings – to initiate this forward-looking and sustainable developement.

The 3 construction modules

The students team with Joseph Simiyu, Director of Kangemi Youth School (KYS)

Module 1