The wood for the tables is delivered
Many things are needed to make good teaching possible – even before the actual pedagogical issues, furniture is needed: At the self-help schools in the slums of Nairobi, students crowd into wooden school desks, consisting of a board for sitting and a table surface, both firmly fixed to each other. This furniture must be repaired after one year at the latest and replaced after two to three years. If then, as in the case of our partner school, the Love School in the Kawangware slum, the school grounds are flooded, these desks rot more quickly.
The founder of the Love School, Veronicah Nduku, was invited by us to visit Germany in the fall of 2017 to tell the young people in the student companies of our network schools about her life and work. In addition, she visited the friendly student company Steinbrücke GbR in Berlin.
The Berlin students, impressed by her powerful personality, thankfully donated € 500.00 (the equivalent of about 56,000 Kenyan shillings (KSh)) from the profits of their student company to nyendo at the beginning of 2018 to support the Love School. Mrs. Nduku immediately announced the need for new school desks. When offers had been obtained and a calculation had been made, it was clear that the money would be enough for about 25 school desks – at which a total of 100 students could sit.

25 school desks are ready!

The construction of the furniture
The first installment of the money was paid to the Love School in May 2018, material, especially wood of course, was purchased so that the furniture could be completed in June. The young people of Steinbrücke GbR and their coach, Michael Benner, then received a letter of thanks and an accountability report in July. The total cost of the school benches was KSh 60,739, of which Love School itself only had to pay Ksh 620.