Another project was realized at the Bethel Community Center with donations from the student companies in Prien and Rosenheim. Immaculate Lumasayi Chimwani is the founder and principal of this school. She looks after around 76 pupils over there.
Immaculate: “Nyendo made it possible for us to get three additional classrooms.”
Previously, she taught her pupils in a large room that was used as a church at weekends. The children had to sit on the floor and had no blackboard.
Brenda Kavili, who implements the projects at the schools in Nairobi, plans to divide the large room into three classes. The partitions are designed so that they can be easily removed on Sundays to allow the room to continue to be used for church visitors. Each classroom also received a blackboard and benches to sit on.
The student companies from Rosenheim and Prien donated EUR 930 for this project.
Thank you very much for your commitment!