Since 2011, around 1000 young girls have been saved here from early marriage and genital mutilation.
All of them have graduated from school and many of them have been able to reintegrate into their families.
An enormous change in awareness is underway here within just one generation, initiated by a Maasai chief who took in such vulnerable girls at his home before the center was founded.

In addition to the 5 dormitories, a large building is under construction for babies and toddlers. Due to poverty, they are also abandoned or go hungry. But Beatrice, Samsung, Joel, Joseph and their Team won’t let that happen.
The center is unique in its kind and its reputation has spread. Boys and girls in need now come from far and wide.
We are very happy about this friendship and are excited to see what will become of it. Will there ever be a real school garden there? After all, they have already harvested onions!