The schoolyard and the classrooms at the Evemon Education Center were repeatedly flooded during the annual rainy season. Together with our new partner from Start Somewhere Brenda Kavili, the principal Everlyn Kimani and the landlord of the property, we looked for a solution in the fall of 2023.
A basic solution was soon found and work began in November 2023.

This is what the flooded classrooms looked like.

The rainwater drainage system was installed.
Pipes were laid both in the classrooms and in the schoolyard to drain rainwater from the site into the public sewer system. A sidewalk was built in front of the entrances to the classrooms, along which the water can also drain away.
Our project proved its worth the next time it rained heavily in December 2023. Despite heavy rainfall, no more water entered the classrooms.

Schoolchildren can walk to their classes along a sidewalk again.