A copy store at Evemon School

Ramsey at work on new EPSON printer
At Evemon School, in the summer of 2022, it was recognized that there was not enough supply of printing services in the local market. Due to the introduction of the new CBC curriculum in Kenyan schools, there was also a lot of printing work to be done at all schools. Evemon School found this a perfect opportunity to enter the market and offer this service to nearby local schools as well.
However, it was not possible for the school to purchase a powerful printer from their own funds, so they applied to nyendo.learn for funding in September. The 4 Nyendo schools in Prien, Rosenheim, Chemnitz and Ybbs/Austria decided to support the project and transferred about 370,00 EUR (= 43.700 Ksh).
After evaluating the offers, an EPSON printer was then purchased in October 2022. Ramsey, the son of the principal Evelyne Kimani managed the printing business at the beginning and it started well immediately.
The purpose of this project is to help Evemon School generate revenue to cover some of the school expenses such as water and electricity bills or to purchase educational materials. Both Evemon School and the neighboring slum schools can now buy their copies cheaper than on the other market. So it’s a win-win situation for everyone.
Speaking of profit: Since the end of April 2023, the small copy store has been in the black and it has already been possible to purchase teaching materials.