In the end of September 2021, NairoBits staff met in the ICT training room at Kangemi Youth School to discuss the details of the setup and cabling. On 5th of October 2021 the work is already in full swing (picture on the left) and 10 days later the room already looks quite neat (picture on the right).

In order to be able to purchase the heart of the equipment, the 25 laptops, we requested the remaining 2,000 € from the Schmitz Foundation and forwarded them to NairoBits together with our own 25% contribution on 20th of October 2021.
Parallel to the installation, the recruitment of course participants in the Kangemi slum also ran, but with moderate success. Only 7 applicants showed up for the interviews. Many of the slum dwellers either do not have a cell phone to sign up or cannot afford the course fees. NairoBits is therefore considering bringing in some of the 200+ applicants from the Human Needs project in the neighboring Kibera slum. They have been working there for a long time and word has spread about the benefits of taking an ICT course. They will therefore advertise again in November in the Kangemi slum and postpone the start of the training until December.