Involving with all Nyendo schools

- We attend annual retreats, to which the alumni are also invited
- We hold monthly on-line conferences
- We share an internal monthly mirror and social media channels
- Every year we organize a visit to Germany for our headmaster from Nairobi
- We support each other, sharing ideas and resources with each other, optimizing our achievements and realizing our shared vision
With our partner schools in Kenya

- We choose one of the 14 slum schools as our personal partner school, which we accompany and support in the long term. A part of our proceeds goes to joint projects of the partner schools in the CIFEFA network
- We are in regular contact via Skype, Mail, our Monthly Mirror and mutual visits
- We examine their “Annual Reports” and select projects from their “needs” that we want to support with our proceeds
- We create reports and detailed proofs of use