Understanding change as an opportunity
Now is the perfect time to significantly expand our network of schools in Europe, as we have broad social support and beneficial conditions:
Our main goal is to create a more diverse and empowered educational landscape where students can better develop their potential while still in school and deepen their connection to the world.
In the nyendo network, we can interconnect different elements, linking extracurricular and in-school activities, alumni, teachers, and businesses/policies. In this way, we create new synergies, promote intergenerational collaboration, and offer schools an open learning space.
A look at our network schools
Steckbrief | |
School name | Freie Waldorfschule Prien am Chiemsee |
Headmaster/Headmistress | Evelyn Bukowski |
Name School firm | Nyendo Food for Food |
What makes the student company special? | Wir lachen viel miteinander und halten gut zusammen. |
Student company activities | Catering, Pausenverkauf, Verkauf von Schmuck, Spendenlauf |
Quote about cooperation with nyendo.lernen | Wir freuen uns sehr, mit so einem tollen Netzwerk zusammenarbeiten zu dürfen. |
Biggest challenges | Bessere Organisation und gute Planung. |
Greatest successes with nyendo | Unsere Adventmärkte sind für uns immer ein tolles Erlebnis und ein großer Erfolg. |
Website / Social Media | Unsere Instagram ist gerade am Erwachen. |
The Free Waldorf School Rosenheim
The Free Waldorf School Rosenheim is since September 2013 a Nyendo School. The student company runs a stall at weekly, Advent and flea markets with African goods and Fairtrade chocolate, carries out fundraising and has set up bottle deposit bins. So far, it has generated 18,000 €.
Steckbrief | |
School name | Freie Waldorfschule Rosenheim |
Headmaster/Headmistress | Susanne Zeisig, Alexandra Gatterer |
Name School firm | Upendo Tamu |
What makes the student company special? | Kreativität, Teamwork und Projekte Upendo Tamu heißt süße Liebe, da das erste Produkt der Schülerfirma selbstgemachte Schokolade war |
Student company activities | Gläschenprojekt (Kräutersalze, Kakao, Badesalze), bei Schulevents Kaffee ausschenken, Waffeln backen, Handarbeiten aus Kenia verkaufen oder Muffinsaktionen an besonderen Tagen wie Valentinstag |
Quote about cooperation with nyendo.lernen | “Zusammen können wir die Welt aus den Angeln heben!“ |
Biggest challenges | Gute Organisation und Planung |
Greatest successes with nyendo | Beim Wiederaufbau der Love School haben wir finanziell mitgeholfen und auch einen Wassertank finanziert. Heuer wurde der Bau einer Drainage für die Love School ermöglicht. |
Website / Social Media | Instagram Upendo Tamu |
Always on the move: our network is growing
In the last years we had the pleasure to successfully cooperate with numerous schools in Germany and Austria. Our network is in motion and open to all who want to be a part of it. Whether short, medium, or long term, the partnership with the schools is fruitful for both sides and characterized by enthusiasm.