Core team

Irmgard Wutte
(Shareholder and Managing Director)
Why have I persistently developed my impulse “nyendo” for over 20 years together with others in spite of all resistance? Because it raises and touches me deeply when I can help our youth to realize their power, to feel and unfold their innermost impulses. This is to me as breathtaking as a magical sunrise. Also because it refreshes my heart and expands my understanding, if I can always explore new and creative challenges in the social and educational framework and invent solutions. Nothing is fixed, everything is in flux, in change. I gratefully consider the multidimensional vision of nyendo.lernen as a umbrella over a wholesome space in which all are invited, according to certain rules of the game, to bring this learning movement to life. Caution – tsunami danger! More about me:

Brigitte Lindenhofer
(Head of Institute Austria)
My way to nyendo led me through experiences in international projects,and as the business coordinator of my school, to a wonderful, chance meeting with Irmgard Wutte. After that, the step from entrepreneur coordinator to coach for social entrepreneurship was a logical one for me. My school, the commercial academy Ybbs, is the first Austrian of hopefully many other Austrian nyendo partner schools.

Jasmine Reischl
After 47 years of employment, of which 28 years were spent working in local government finances, I met Irmgard Wutte by chance on a mountain tour. After my first meeting with the Nyendo team, I knew immediately that I wanted to get involved. I am able contribute my professional experience, and volunteer with strong and sympathetic people who pursue goals that have always been close to my heart. How can we empower young people in industrialized countries to understand the problems and poverty in countries such as Kenya, Uganda, Nepal, etc., and make them dignified in their future private and working lives?

Rebecca van den Bogert
(Office coordination)
I have been volunteering at nyendo since March 2020 and take care of administrative matters. So I have great contact with all nyendo departments.

Uwe Ehmann
The idea of nyendo.lernen convinced me right away. I look forward to being able to contribute to the fundraising team’s contribution to this project.

Sonja Fischer
(Public Relations)
Sonja writes our monthly reports, summarizes reports and has a network that provides information to the relevant people.

Silke Lehrmann
Silke got infected by the nyendo idea in Kenya and keeps in touch with our Kenyan team when it comes to compliance with the GDPR for our photos.

Jasmin Krenz
I am with nyendo to discover different sides of life and to enable others to do the same.

Tobias Peslalz
Nyendo’s values and ideas convince and motivate me. Therefore I am happy to be able to use my knowledge and commitment for Nyendo and learn a lot myself on the way.

Ramona Ramtke
As a lecturer and compositor,I have a lot to do with scientific and fictional texts. I find it wonderful to now support nyendo and its great projects with what I can and love, and also to think outside of the box.

Clara Voß
When I heard about nyendo, I was immediately convinced of the idea and wanted to help with my commitment. Using my knowledge for good and being able to learn something new is just great!

Kristina Wildner
(engl. Blog, Newsletter, Monthly Reports)
I support nyendo since october 2019. I translate the german blog articles, monthly reports, newsletter to English. With this work I try to improve the intercultural communication.
Employees in Kenya
Advisory Council

Petra Bauer-Wolfram
manages the location of the Stiftung Gute-Tat in Munich. In this capacity, she is a member of BiNet, Forum BE and other networks. She also teaches volunteer management and learning through engagement as guest lecturer at the KSH Campus in Benediktbeuern.

Prof. Dr. Esin Bozyazi
has been Professor of Entrepreneurship at the University of Economics for Management in Mannheim since 2013 and teaches there, i.a. Design Thinking. With her consulting firm »Crossover Projects« she develops innovative business models for international companies and start-ups and also offers business design workshops. Her personal concern is to promote “creativity in business”.