We create value – with social commitment
Nyendo is a global network of committed people: students in Europe who want to improve the world and learn from African partners; schools that enable their students to participate; African partners who want to implement sustainable projects with nyendo; and donors and funders who support this initiative.

Together, we can revolutionize the education of the future generation by offering them a learning framework for achieving what they really want: to work socially, sustainably, and for peace, justice, and a more equitable world. We inspire and encourage them to build bridges and break down intercultural barriers.
Our nyendo culture: “be my guest, be my friend” is the core of the revolution to a new and better world. Deep collective traumas from ghettoization and stigmatization as well as guilt and shame are transformed in the heartfelt personal encounter between previously separate worlds. Trauma healing leads to self-empowerment and is the precondition for sustainable change. “Be the change“.
Become a nyendo School
Do you want to offer your students real-life experiences in social entrepreneurship, development work and intercultural encounters?
Show your students that you care about their future!
Learn more about our educational concept and services
Meet your partner schools
Feel free to contact us and arrange a personal appointment: Institut@nyendo.de
Become a nyendo student
You want to start a student company, develop sustainable business ideas, work successfully as an entrepreneur, and support disadvantaged communities in their self-efficacy with the earnings? Learn to help shape a peaceful and just global society through exchange with other student companies? And after two years of working for nyendo, maybe even visit the partners in the informal settlements of Nairobi yourself?
Your commitment makes a real difference.
Find out more about the work of the student companies and their visits to Nairobi
Feel free to contact us or your school: Institut@nyendo.de
Become a Nyendo-Family-Member
As a private person or company, you can support us with your donation. By doing so, you enable us to build and expand our international network of schools in Europe and Africa and of volunteers around the world. You help young people to actively contribute to a fair world. You support students in Kenya and Europe to become self-effective, to learn together and to develop sustainable projects.
As a Nyendo-Family-Member you are an important part of our network.
Help us make a difference.
Become a nyendo supporter and donator
Do you and/or your company stand for social and sustainable values and want to make a difference in the world? Empowering talent for the future: do you want future employees who can act interculturally and already have initial experience in the start-up sector?
Do you have expertise that you can contribute, e.g., in the form of coaching, or do you want to invest in a promising educational format for the long term?
Give your values a face!
Feel free to contact us: info@nyendo.de

Why nyendo?
If everyone contributes to our common goal, we can achieve great things. This is also shown by our numerous projects and successes that have already been realized with nyendo. Our company presentation and annual reports always provide you with the latest figures. In addition, we are committed to contribute naturally to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Welcome to let us go into more depth in a joint conversation.
Feel free to contact us: info@nyendo.de
Donation account
nyendo.lernen hand in hand UG
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank
IBAN DE91 4306 0967 8215 2357 00